First your going to need to prep your hair with the right products. L'Oreal Professionnel Texture Expert is always my first choice when I go to style hair, use what you may but this is my recommendation :-)
Next you will at least need a blow drier, perhaps a curling iron as well depending on your hair and how well it holds a curl.
The first step is to apply a thermal protecting creme (such as the Liss Ardent from L'Oreal) to your damp hair so as not to damage it with the hot tools. Next your want to going to run a mousse throughout the hair to aid in holding the curl/wave you want to achieve. L'Oreal's Mousse Volupte is a great choice as it is not too light, but its not too hard either. The final product for your damp hair is a smoothing creme, so we get a nice smooth shiny finish to the locks. Smooth Velours from L'Oreal is a great choice!
Blow dry approximately 80 to 85% of the moisture out of your hair, then clip up the hair in 4 large sections. You will want to have a horseshoe shaped section at the top of the head, then take a horizontal parting all the way around the head about 2 1/2 inches below your first section. Repeat until you reach the nape.
Separate the nape section into 2 subsections, remove the remaining moisture and smooth the section using a round brush. Once you have smoothed the subsection, twist it around using either your fingers or twirl it around with the brush and let it set. This will give it a nice, loose curl when it cools. (note: the smaller the round brush, the curlier the result). Repeat this process on the second subsection. Once you have the section dried, smoothed and twisted, spray with a workable hold hairspray, like the Infinium series from L'Oreal.
Release the next section up and separate into 4 subsections. Repeat the process described above around the head.
Release next section...repeat.
Finally, release the top section. Dry the fringe how ever you desire, and usually the top section will be divided into 2 final subsections which will be dried, smoothed, and twisted as the rest of the hair was.
Once you have all the hair dried, give it a good once over with the hairspray, let it dry for a section then your good to go. You'll have fabulous, Victoria's Secret Curls and you didn't do much more than a fancy blow dry!!
If your hair doesn't hold curl well, you may have to take a few large sections and curl them with a curling iron to achieve the same look.
Now hit the streets and let the world be your runway!!!
Love Victoria Secret Models Hair ! Great article !