Monday, November 29, 2010

Love yourself

My job is more than delivering a fantastic haircut, color, or style.  My job is to make people feel good about themselves!  While I definitely believe that true beauty is on the inside, I also believe that how a person looks on the outside is often a reflection of how they feel on the inside.  So take a minute, and think about how you  present yourself to the world think about how your feeling on the inside...does it parallel?  My guess is that yes, it does!

I can only speak from my own experience, but I know when I'm having a bad day I dont feel like fixing my hair or choosing a snazzy outfit to wear, I just feel blah.  One of the smartest people I have ever know, and a person I have the opportunity to work with every week, told me once that when your having a bad day you just need to 'get up, get dressed, and get out the door!'  So thats what I do!!  And you know what, once I get all fancified, I feel a lot better!

Now I'm not suggesting that you have to go out and spend thousands of dollars on a new wardrobe, nor do you have to go to the salon every day to get your hair with what you already have!  Go to your closet and pick out some of your favorite items and wear those.  Wake up a few minutes early, so you have enough time to blow your hair out nicely.  Have PRIDE in the way  you look and the way you carry yourself!

Wake up every morning, and be proud of you and who you are!  LOVE the way you look, and let the whole world know about it!  And I promise, when you adopt this little bit of life info, you will start to feel better about yourself and love yourself even more than you do now!

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